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Sunshine Industries provides the opportunity to earn a paycheck through contracted services.

Contract Services
Check out Sunshine International Unlimited’s job opportunities for current participants!

You might like getting paid to work with a group of peers and a support team completing contracted work at various community locations. The type of jobs available include grounds keeping and janitorial. 

Our Yard Crew

Interested in having Sunshine Industries Unlimited clean up your yard, office or home? Click here.

How to get Services
If you would like to participate at Sunshine Industries Unlimited, a referral from your Service Coordinator or your Personal Agent is required.
If you are not receiving services from either Linn County Developmental Disabilities or a brokerage, please contact Linn County Developmental Disabilities.

Important Links

All citizens have a responsibility to protect those who are not able to protect themselves. You may report abuse or neglect of a child by calling 1-855-503-SAFE (7233), which is the contact number for the Oregon Department of Human Services. If you suspect abuse, neglect or financial mistreatment of an elderly person or an adult with physical disabilities, report abuse or neglect to your local Oregon Department of Human Services.

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SMILE - Our Day Support Service
Supported Mentorship In Life Environments

Sunshine would love for you to join our program and start doing all the things you want to do. People get to choose to go to places that are interesting to them. We listen to what you want to do and then do our best to make that happen. You also get to go places that are the ideas from other people if you want to. We schedule the ideas we get on a monthly calendar and people enjoy seeing their ideas on the schedule. But the options aren’t limited to what is on the calendar; sometimes after the groups leave for the scheduled thing, a good idea comes up and a smaller group or just an individual can go do something else. Planned fun and spontaneous fun! If one of the ideas we get is a big one and will take more time, we extend our normal service day once a month to go do that. Some examples would be going places like the Marine Hatfield Science Center, Natural History Museum, go to a videogame arcade, and more. Sunshine provides mentors that go to the location with you and make sure you have all your needs met. Safety is our highest priority, so we always make sure we have plenty of mentors to take care of whatever is needed. Not very often, but sometimes people prefer to stay at Sunshine and hang out with peers and do activities. There’s something for everyone at Sunshine every day; we hope to see you soon!

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